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Статья "Речевое развитие младших школьников в условиях поликультурной среды"

(2 голосов)

The article discusses key issues of teaching foreign languages and related cultures at primary school. The pedagogical and psychological fundamentals of the integrated skills development of younger schoolchildren through a foreign language in polycultural surroundings are considered in it. It covers a range of questions connected with the integrated skills development of younger schoolchildren in the process of teaching foreign languages. The author advocates the sociocultural approach to FL learning and pays special attention to current problems of FL teaching of younger schoolchildren in polycultural surroundings.

Имя файла policult_sreda.doc
Размер 69.5 KB
Скачиваний 1311
Автор Воробьева Татьяна Ивановна
Создан 16.12.2012 11:40:58
Создал TatianaV
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Раднаева Валентина Дагбаевна
# Раднаева Валентина Дагбаевна 17.12.2012 13:50
Thanks a lot!
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