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ТЕМА: Many people think that love makes a person happy.

Many people think that love makes a person happy. 8 года 8 мес. назад #1

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position


Данная тема открыта для регистрации и выбора темы конкурсного эссе в рамках конкурса “Wizards for Essays”

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Положение о конкурсе.

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Тему выбрал Иванов Иван Николаевич,
ученик 10 класса МБОУ "СОШ № 4" города Екатеринбурга,
учитель Сергеева Антонина Дмитриевна.
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Re: Many people think that love makes a person happy. 8 года 8 мес. назад #2

Лапкина Анастасия Евгеньевна
ученица 8 класса МБОУ "Лицей"города Новомосковска
учитель Гончарова Вера Александровна

Данная тема закреплена за вами.
Тема открыта для публикации текста вашего конкурсного эссе до 10 ноября 2015 года.
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 8 мес. назад от Администрация сообщества.
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Re: Many people think that love makes a person happy. 8 года 8 мес. назад #3

Тему выбрала Тимофеева Валерия Александровна,
ученица 9 класса МКОУ Таловская СОШ р.п. Таловая Воронежской области.
учитель Солодовникова Наталья Васильевна.

Данная тема уже выбрана другим участником сообщества. Для участия в конкурсе необходимо выбрать другую тему.
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 8 мес. назад от Администрация сообщества.
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Re: Many people think that love makes a person happy. 8 года 8 мес. назад #4

«Many people think that love makes a person happy».
Most often, the person is happy when he is in love. Love is different, but the people can not be happy without it. However, some people believe that love makes people unhappy. I would like to explain my point of view on it.
In my opinion, love is a wonderful feeling that makes our lives brighter. Second, the love of man brings a lot of positive emotions such as fun, excitement, tenderness, delight. Finally, love helps to live and survive in the difficult moments of our lives.
However, some people believe that love leads to emotional and psychological dependence on another person that, ultimately, will not bring happiness. Secondly,
they are convinced that it is often deception, jealousy, fear and pain. They believe that the one who truly loves, sacrifices himself. Why love, suffer, worry, if you can live peacefully and happily, and be content with happiness in something else.
I can not agree with them. Anyway, I believe that love is the most wonderful feeling in the world. Once the wise King Solomon advised a man who did all the good, but no one is getting for this love: "Love!" And it is - the wisest advice that we can give!
To conclude, I'd like to say that everyone at heart want to love and to be loved. The ability to love is the hard work, to learn to love is not easy, but it is ultimately bringing happiness!
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