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ТЕМА: Some people believe that exams are the best way to check the student’s knowledge.

Some people believe that exams are the best way to check the student’s knowledge. 9 года 2 мес. назад #1

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position


Данная тема открыта для регистрации и выбора темы конкурсного эссе в рамках конкурса “Wizards for Essays”

Внимание! Прежде чем пройти регистрацию на конкурс, выбрав данную тему , внимательно ознакомьтесь с его положением.

Положение о конкурсе.

Пример прохождения регистрации при выборе темы:

Тему выбрал Иванов Иван Николаевич,
ученик 10 класса МБОУ "СОШ № 4" города Екатеринбурга,
учитель Сергеева Антонина Дмитриевна.
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Re: Some people believe that exams are the best way to check the student’s knowledge. 9 года 2 мес. назад #2

Тему выбрал : Слесарев Дмитрий Кириллович
ГБОУ г. Москва Школа № 709, г. Москва
8 класс
учитель: Шкитина Людмила Витальевна

Данная тема закреплена за вами.
Тема открыта для публикации текста вашего конкурсного эссе до 10 ноября 2015 года.
Последнее редактирование: 9 года 2 мес. назад от Администрация сообщества.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Re: Some people believe that exams are the best way to check the student’s knowledge. 9 года 2 мес. назад #3

Nowadays some people claim that only exams are considered to be the best way to check the student’s knowledge. Nevertheless, others don’t agree with them. They state that exams don't always accurately measure the level of the knowledge.
As for me, I am sure that taking and passing exams is necessary for testing students. Firstly, it is a quick process for students and teachers to check the result of schooling. It is also easy to choose between few options. It's also much faster to do test than to write down the whole answers. Secondly, exams have the same evaluation system. Moreover, you gain experience of getting through some difficulties and learn how to overcome them intelligently. Unfortunately, there are some opponents who don’t support my point of view. They think otherwise. Most of them say that it's easy to find answers in the Internet and cheat while doing the test. What is more, some students can put the answer at random and the response may be true. So called «by clear luck». Then people don’t want to feel nervous during exams as any stress is harmful for the health.
In my opinion, they are wrong to think this way. I don’t agree with them because advantages of exams as the way to check student's knowledge is visible. Cheating and the Internet are easily seen with video cameras. As for the stress, the students should be prepared better and be more convinced in their knowledge.
All in all, if you understand that our life is a competition, then you accept the necessary of exams. This is the way to choose and be chosen. So, I wish everybody to be a champion.

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