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ТЕМА: Some people say that social networking sites offer considerable advantages.

Some people say that social networking sites offer considerable advantages. 8 года 8 мес. назад #1

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position


Данная тема открыта для регистрации и выбора темы конкурсного эссе в рамках конкурса “Wizards for Essays”

Внимание! Прежде чем пройти регистрацию на конкурс, выбрав данную тему , внимательно ознакомьтесь с его положением.

Положение о конкурсе.

Пример прохождения регистрации при выборе темы:

Тему выбрал Иванов Иван Николаевич,
ученик 10 класса МБОУ "СОШ № 4" города Екатеринбурга,
учитель Сергеева Антонина Дмитриевна.
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Re: Some people say that social networking sites offer considerable advantages. 8 года 8 мес. назад #2

Тему выбрал Полупанов Иван Александрович,
ученик 8 класса МБОУ "СОШ № 8" поселка Шолоховский, Ростовской области,
учитель Тонкова Анна Васильевна.

Данная тема закреплена за вами.
Тема открыта для публикации текста вашего конкурсного эссе до 10 ноября 2015 года.
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 8 мес. назад от Администрация сообщества.
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Re: Some people say that social networking sites offer considerable advantages. 8 года 8 мес. назад #3

Today almost every person has an account in social networking sites. Some people say that social networking sites offer considerable advantages. However, other people think that these sites are dangerous.
To my mind, social networking sites are very useful. First, they offer lots of pictures, music, video and games. Second, people are able to communicate with each other by sending letters and telephoning. Sometimes people, who studied together, do not have a chance to meet. Thanks to these sites they have a possibility to share information about themselves. Third, people can meet with foreigners from all over the world. Besides, they can learn about their culture, language and traditions of different countries.
On the other hand, some people do not like social networking sites. They consider these sites useless and dangerous. Firstly, people waste the time instead of live communication. They don’t have time to watch films, to see friends or even to do the housework. Secondly, new kind of criminal is developing now – cyber bulling. It is when a stranger writes abuses into somebody’s comments.
As I think, they are not right because people can watch films and see friends in these sites. There are many tips for housework. Lastly, if you follow safety rules, nothing serious will happen.
In conclusion, I would like to say that despite all disadvantages social networking sites suggest many advantages. That is why they became so popular nowadays.
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