Конкурсное эссе Дурновцева Илья Владиславович
Ученица 9 класс МБНОУ "Городской Классический Лицей" города Кемерово
Учитель Ерофеева Александра Алексеевна
In our daily live we often have to make different decisions. Doing this, we need to rely on critical thinking or intuition. So, what will help us to make a right choice?
In my opinion, critical thinking will help us to make it. By balancing pros and cons, we can make a proper decision. Moreover, when we use our critical thinking to find a solution, we will understand a problem better. That way, we will have more information about the problem, so it will be easier to solve it. Lastly, if we solve problems by using our critical thinking, we will become more experienced. As a result, experience helps us to find solutions faster and easier.
However, some people think differently. They trust intuition. In their opinion, we should use intuition because it helps when critical thinking is powerless. For example, famous chemist Mendeleyev could not find a way to classify chemical elements according to their chemical properties but when he went to sleep, he saw in his dream a periodic table where all elements fell into place as required. In addition, intuition helps to solve problems fast, unlike critical thinking.
I do not agree with them. To my mind, we should not rely only on intuition. Of course, it solves problems faster, but critical thinking helps us to make more proper decision.
All in all, I think that to make really wise choices we need to use both critical thinking and intuition. As Henri Poincare said: «It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover. »