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Внимание! В соответствии с Положением о конкурсе итоги I тура подведены и доступны для ознакомления в теме "Итоги туров конкурса".

ТЕМА: Some couples choose not to have children.

Some couples choose not to have children. 8 года 11 мес. назад #1

  • Иванов П. А.
  • Иванов П. А. аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Специалист
  • Сообщений: 1166
  • Спасибо получено: 2005
  • Баллов: 6155
  • Репутация: 357
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position


Данная тема открыта для регистрации и выбора темы конкурсного эссе в рамках конкурса “Wizards for Essays”

Внимание! Прежде чем пройти регистрацию на конкурс, выбрав данную тему , внимательно ознакомьтесь с его положением.

Положение о конкурсе.

Пример прохождения регистрации при выборе темы:

Тему выбрал Иванов Иван Николаевич,
ученик 10 класса МБОУ "СОШ № 4" города Екатеринбурга,
учитель Сергеева Антонина Дмитриевна.
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Re: Some couples choose not to have children. 8 года 10 мес. назад #2

Тему выбрала Федорова Александра, ученица 11 класса общеобразовательной школы № 40, город Горловка, Донецкая Народная Республика, учитель Позднякова Людмила Вильевна

Вы допущены к участию в конкурсе.
Данная тема закреплена за вами.
Тема будет разблокирована для публикации вашего конкурсного эссе 10 октября 2015 года.
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 10 мес. назад от Администрация сообщества.
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Re: Some couples choose not to have children. 8 года 9 мес. назад #3

From early childhood we used to think that family is the most important thing in our life and home full of children laugh is the dearest thing to us.
However,in recent years a new trend is rapidly developing.It's childfree.What is it?Childfree(childless by choice,voluntary childlessness) is a subculture characterized by reluctance to have children.The basic idea of childfree is refusing from children for the sake of personal freedom.What are the reasons of that?First of all, it is the unwilingness to take responsibility, fear of difficulties in bringing up children.The second reason is the desire to make a personal life, a good career or to expand horizons,to have fun.
Many people would argue:"Life without children doesn't make sense!".But i think that we shouldn't so categorically blame people willing to live without children.After all,each person chooses how to live.On the one hand,it is wrong,because our children are the "clones" of ourselves.Children are the flowers of life.On the other hand,i understand their ideas,as often raising children their parents forget about their own personal space and freedom.To give all their free time and nerves for children is very stupid, i consider.You need to find a middle ground.
We cannot say whose opinion is better.But let's remember that all of us were children once.
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