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ТЕМА: Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travelling.

Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travelling. 8 года 8 мес. назад #1

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position


Данная тема открыта для регистрации и выбора темы конкурсного эссе в рамках конкурса “Wizards for Essays”

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Тему выбрал Иванов Иван Николаевич,
ученик 10 класса МБОУ "СОШ № 4" города Екатеринбурга,
учитель Сергеева Антонина Дмитриевна.
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Re: Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travelling. 8 года 8 мес. назад #2

Тему выбрала Санджиева Заяна Джангаровна,
Ученица 10 класса МБОУ "ЭМГ" Города Элиста,
Учитель Гуспанова Лариса Леонидовна.

Данная тема закреплена за вами.
Тема открыта для публикации текста вашего конкурсного эссе до 10 ноября 2015 года.
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 8 мес. назад от Администрация сообщества.
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Re: Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travelling. 8 года 8 мес. назад #3

There are a lot of ways how to travel in today's world: package tours, sea voyages, flights, hitchhiking and so on. In this essay I am going to discuss one that is becoming more and more popular nowadays - hitchhiking - and whether it is the best way of traveling or not.

In my opinion, hitchhiking is the best way of traveling. First of all, it is the cheapest means of transportation because you travel by asking drivers to give you a lift for free. Secondly, it provides you with invaluable experience: acquaintances with a range of different people, connection with nature, an opportunity of exploring the world, and even inspiration. For example, there is a great variety of stories about all the pleasures of hitchhiking.

However, some people think otherwise. They are convinced that hitchhiking is a dangerous activity, as you never know what these strangers who you hitch a ride really are: maybe they want to do harm to you; and as for drivers, it is a great risk for them to let strangers into their vehicles.

I disagree with that point of view. I think this risk is worth being taken. I presume that hitchhiking brings more joy than trouble. Moreover, every kind of journeys has its own dangers, so you cannot be assured that you will be safe while you travel any other way.

Overall, I consider that hitchhiking can be called the best type of traveling because
it has such amenities, which you will experience only by hitchhiking.
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