Конкурсное эссе Власовой Юлии Максимовны,
ученицы 8 класса МОУ "Лицей №2 Краснооктябрьского района Волгограда"
учитель - Романенко Людмила Ивановна
Nowadays there are two main ways of thinking: critical and intuitive. Some people prefer acting after careful reasoning, while others would rather apply intuition. Whose approach is correct?
In my opinion, people should use critical thinking because it makes life better organized. Firstly, people who can examine, compare and contrast things make decisions easily. It is not a problem for them to study a question and find a solution. Secondly, this way of thinking implies that a person can analyze, review and discuss things. It means a human understands what is happening, anticipates events and, therefore, has more opportunities to achieve goals. For instance, these skills help a person to make a career.
However, some people claim that there are too many situations in our life, which are difficult to understand and you need plenty of time to think them over. In addition, in situations when we are short of time or it is a case of emergency, only intuition or, so called “sixth sense”, helps. You just feel you should do something in a definite way, you trust this perception and it turns out to be the right decision.
As for me, I cannot totally agree with these arguments. We cannot deny the fact that when we act intuitively, we are guided by our feelings and personal judgements. Besides, we should admit that we do not know how intuition works so the final outcome is unpredictable.
In conclusion, I can stress that I would not rely on intuition. I am convinced that when we do not consider any facts, our actions and ideas may be wrong and lead to bad results.